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⏰ 12min
I did clone coding of my recent favorite app using Phoenix LiveView.
⏰ 1min
Using GenServer and DynamicSupervisor, make dynamic game server process and build supervision tree
⏰ 6min
하나의 예시를 통해 상황을 가정해보고 어떤 결과가 나오는지, 그리고 나라면 어떻게 할지를 사고실험 해보자
⏰ 4min
I moved my blog again, and now I make it using my favorites tech stacks!
⏰ 2min
요구사항 분석 및 프로젝트 초기 세팅
⏰ 5min
I decided to do "clone coding" a "wordle" which was trending recently, by using only Phoenix LiveView, not JS.
⏰ 1min